Case: Wine Shelving

E-Z-Rect Trim-Line: Retail Wine Solution


How do we effectively store hundreds of bottles of wine so that they are visible, secure, and accessible to both employees and customers?

E-Z-Rect was presented with a challenge to provide easy to access, visible and attractive storage for a retail wine outlet that needed to be durable enough for their high volume and flexible enough to accommodate ever changing promotions and displays.

To solve this storage problem, E-Z-Rect used TrimLine shelving to provide a customized solution to the unique needs.

Multiple short 12″ Trim-Line bays were installed back to back to increase accessibility and traffic flow while maintaining sight lines. A dramatic, sleek black finish was selected to match the existing decor, while providing an attractive counter balance to the bottles of wine without overpowering the wine producers’ merchandising. Decorative end panels offer two-fold purposing, protecting the bottles from falling while discouraging customers from reaching in behind which might upset the facing. The Metal panels allow for multiple adhesion option including double sided tape and magnets providing an ideal surface for posters and other merchandising materials. Adjustable shelves afford flexibility in design to accommodate bottles of all shapes and sizes.

Retail Wine Shelving

Shorter bays of shelving for increased accessibility

Retail Wine Display

Multiple Bays with High Polished Black Finish